Hi I’m Tish and I’m inspired to help others achieve their true potential. Why? I’m passionate about the business of living fully and achieving personal and professional goals that are meaningful. During the decades of owning and running a leading Talent Solutions company, I have witnessed countless people suffering from burn-out, chronic illness, severe stress, depression and anxiety. I decided to use my decades of experience and training as a successful business person, Black Belt Martial Artist, Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Certified Emotional Intelligence Trainer to develop specific training and coaching programs.
Focus-Getting in the Zone 3 minute sample from course Transformational Health and Success
These comprehensive on-line and live coaching programs help you learn how to increase energy, improve performance and build more focused and engaged teams. We also teach you how to develop increased resilience for more lasting success. Take a moment to watch the sample of my 6-session online Transformational Health and Success Course.
I’m excited to share my courses with you and your organization. I’m always learning and working on ways to better help my clients achieve their goals. I’m building my next leadership course right now and always appreciate your feedback on the course you are taking now or ideas for future learning. Thanks for taking the time to learn and grow. Enjoy the journey towards fulfilling your dreams one small step at a time!